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Grady broke into a sexy smile that melted her heart, and then he kissed her, a Christmas kiss
that promised her forever.
They never made it out of bed until the next evening, and they were both so happily exhausted
that it was all they could do to eat, and then take themselves straight back to bed, the candy canes
completely forgotten.
But it was the merriest Christmas Grady and Emily had ever had.
One week later, Grady found himself back at the Youth Center, but he wasn t exactly going reluctantly
anymore. Grady Sinclair was throwing a party, and he was actually the host. He d had very little time
to arrange it, but he d pulled off a pretty decent New Year s Eve bash.
The party was in full swing, the band he d hired filling the hall with music that had most of the
folks of Amesport out on the makeshift dance floor.
He smiled as he watched Emily hugging her parents and laughing. God, she made him happy,
and he felt every possessive instinct in his body stand at attention when he saw the flash of his ring on
her finger, almost unable to believe she was really his.
Her mom and dad had been surprised when Grady s private jet had picked them up at the
airport, but they had taken everything in stride. They d come to meet him and attend the party to make
their daughter happy. Really, Grady thought that was pretty extraordinary. Maybe it was normal
behavior for loving parents, but normal was something he d never experienced with his own mother
and father.
Honestly, his childhood had been fucked up, but Emily made up for all that and more. If he had
to do it again just to find his way to her, he d do it in a heartbeat. He d moved to Amesport to finally
try to find some peace. Since he d already owned property on the peninsula, he d thought the small
town would be the perfect place to avoid people. But he realized that real happiness couldn t be
found in a location. His real joy was Emily, and he was quickly realizing that all people were not like
his father, that he really didn t need to isolate himself. He might never be a social animal, but he
wasn t afraid of people anymore. Emily loved him. If she could accept him, maybe others could as
Grady s eyes strayed to the other side of the room, watching his siblings all gathered together,
looking like they were actually enjoying the party, maybe because it had brought them all together
again. Hope had come from Aspen, minus her loser boyfriend, and his brothers Evan, Dante, and
Jared had all arrived together a short time ago. Even Jason had showed up, claiming he had nothing
better to do for New Year s Eve.
Grady s eyes narrowed on Dante, noticing how exhausted his brother looked. Dante, a year
younger than Grady, had taken his own path after he d left the Sinclair home when he was eighteen.
He d gone to college for a criminal justice degree, joining the police force in Los Angeles, quickly
and aggressively moving up the ranks to become a homicide detective. Was he happy? Grady noticed
the dark circles under Dante s eyes, and the weary expression on his face. Maybe Dante had just been
working crazy hours lately, but Grady had a feeling that Dante probably looked exactly the same most
of the time. How could he not? Dante worked homicide in the worst district in Los Angeles for
murders, many of them gang related. That kind of job had to eventually take its toll on a cop.
His wayward thoughts were interrupted as Emily came toward him, her hips swaying in a red
cocktail dress that he really thought should be illegal. It clung to her curves and exposed more skin
than he thought she should be showing, but she looked so incredibly hot that he was hard the instant
she smiled at him.
 I still can t believe you arranged all this. God, you look gorgeous in a tuxedo. She wrapped
her arms around his neck and planted a soft kiss on his lips.  You re amazing, Mr. Sinclair.
Grady raised a brow at her, knowing a challenge when he was confronted with it.  I thought I
told you that I d make you pay for calling me that. There s a lot of Sinclairs. I want to be special.
 You never told me exactly how that punishment would work. She d moved closer, talking to
him in her fuck-me voice, right next to his ear.  I might like it.
Okay . . . the party had been a great idea, and it had made his woman happy, but he was ready
to take her home now.  I ll show you when we get home. Thank God all of his siblings had their own
 Hope apologized. Poor thing. She was mortified when she heard what happened. You
shouldn t have told her, Emily scolded lightly.  I like her. I like all of your family.
 It seems strange, all of us together again. Grady wrapped his arms around Emily s waist.  I
missed them.
 Maybe they can stay for a while, Emily said hopefully.
 Don t get your hopes up, Grady warned her with a frown.  It s a miracle that we re just all
in the same place right now.
 One minute to midnight, a happy male voice pronounced loudly, making himself heard over
the music.
Grady snagged two glasses of champagne from a nearby table and brought one to Emily. His
siblings, Jason, and Emily s parents all gathered around them, and Grady s heart felt as full as it could
possibly get. He was here with the woman he loved, all of their family around them. It just didn t get
any better than this. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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